

发布时间:2023-09-20 05:04:36作者:心经入门网


  若人欲了知,三世一切佛, 应观法界性,一切唯心造。

  "If you want to thoroughly understand what all the past, present and future Buddhas are like,

  By observing and pondering over the Dharma You learn that everything is created by the heart.



  The world of Saha is created by the heart, so are all the pure lands. The sentient beings are lost, so they always use the heart in the wrong way, being attached to forms and phenomena, while all buddhas and saints keep aware of the heart and use the heart in the right way without being attached or banded to anything.

  Everyone has a heart, which can be used to either make evil or cultivate virtues. The heart can send us to Samsara, even to hell, making us suffer all grievances and miseries. On the other hand, the heart can also help us comprehend Buddha Dharma, attain Buddhahood, thus achieving complete liberation and everlasting peace and happiness.


  Therefore, it is of prime importance for all Buddhists to keep the heart conscious and aware that everything is created by the heart, and nothing is to be attached or bonded to. Where there is attachment, there is bitterness.

  Put aside everything by emptying the heart completely, and we achieve complete liberation right away. At the same time, with a non-self, pure and unrestrained heart, we do everything beneficial to others, like the Bodhisattvas, until all sentient beings achieve complete liberation.

  ---久旃法师(久晃僧团)by Master Joe Hope (Buddha Dharma Preaching Group)

  ---译者:若水隆丹 Translated by Diana Zhang

  原标题:佛子塑心 --久晃法师双语开示系列

  Original title:Remoulding the Heart --Bilingual Buddhist Teaching Analects by Master Joe Hope




  • 初识佛法

  • 佛学课本

  • 佛光教科书
